Our menu


Breakfast includes: juices, baked bread, a selection of spreads, coffee, tea, muesli, yoghurt, and fresh fruit. 


Novanta lunches are a great relaxed affair... huge bowls of delicious salads, sliced meats and cheese, baked bread and a primo (soup/pasta/risotto) 







Offer of the day


Every afternoon we have an 'aperitivo' (afternoon drink) and we invite our guests to help out in the kitchen! We then cook a traditional Tuscan menu: perhaps antipasto (nibbles which go perfectly with cocktails) a 'primo' (soup/pasta/risotto) a 'secondo' (meat/fish) with 'contorni' (vegetables) and of course a 'dolce' (dessert). To complement your meal, we have an amazing assortment of local wines from several wineries in the area.

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